Andrea Harrison | Oil | USA

Andrea Harrison | Oil | USA
TERAVARNA announces their "9th COLOR" International Juried Art Competition. All visual artists from around the world are invited to submit their best artworks on the theme for inclusion in the exhibition. All types of art styles may be submitted, including both 2D and 3D works, painting, sculpture, digital, printmaking, fiber, photography, graphic, mixed media, as well as experimental and installation works.
Conditions for Participation
The theme of this international juried art competition is COLOR. As humans, we see the narrowest range of wavelengths of the vast electromagnetic spectrum that lies in front of our eyes. But even that evokes indescribable feelings in us. Indescribable in words, perhaps, yet depicted in those very wavelengths we are privileged enough to see. Any subject matter holding a multitude of colors is acceptable for this contest. Artists are free to apply their own interpretation in representing the overall theme. Representational and abstract ideas based broadly on this theme, in any media, will be considered. See below for more details on submission guidelines. Please note that you must be 18 years of age in order to participate in any of our events.
All types of visual arts will be considered, including but not limited to Painting & Mixed Media, Photography & Digital, and Sculpture & 3D Installation.
The deadline for submission is JUNE 30, 2025.* NOTE THAT THIS DEADLINE WILL NOT BE EXTENDED
Awards & Prizes
Up to $3,500 in cash prizes will be given out to winning artists. **
The grant money will be unrestricted and may be used in any manner by the recipient artist. Depending on the number and quality of artworks submitted, the following prizes will be considered:
First Prize Award | $300-$500
Runner-Up Prize Award | $150-$350
Merit Prize Award | $75-$250
Talent Prize Award | $25-$150
Honorable Mention Award
Finalist Award
** Note that TERAVARNA doesn't promise entrant artists to win a prize in money or money's worth in any of its competitions. Instead, only artists selected by an independent jury from a pool of applicants will be eligible to receive professionally designed Certificates of Recognition. In case there are joint winners for any of the cash prizes the money will be split evenly among contestants. Similarly, if a category does not receive enough entries to be judged fairly within that category alone, it will be considered alongside other categories with sufficient entries. The final prize amount will depend on the total number of entries but will always be within the indicated range.
The entry fee for each artwork is $15 (non-refundable).
If you'd like to enter more than 10 artworks for consideration, please go back to fill in your details and submit again.
NOW | Art Competition Open
30 JUNE 2025, 11:59 PM California Time | Deadline for Entries
5 JULY 2025 | Winner Notification Starts
5 JULY 2025 | Cash Prize Notification Starts
6 JULY 2025 | Exhibition of Winning Artworks Starts
21 JULY 2025 | Cash Prize Distribution Starts***
29 JULY 2025 | Exhibition of Winning Artworks Ends
30 JULY 2025 | Winning Artworks Archived
*** All cash prizes are given out via PayPal. If you don't have a free PayPal account, you can get one here..
Image Submission Guidelines
Please make sure to meet all of the specifications outlined below:
1. Which file format is required for my submission?
-Only JPEG or JPG files are accepted.
2. What is the file size requirement for submission?
-Less than 2MB is preferred, but we will accept files up to 5MB maximum.
3. How should I crop my image?
-Your image should be cleanly cropped, showing only the artwork.
-Remove any borders, frames, backgrounds, or unnecessary elements.
4. How clear should my image be?
-Ensure your image is in sharp focus, not blurry.
-The artwork should be clearly visible from a front-facing view.
How to Apply
STEP 1: Choose the number of artworks you'd like to submit from one of the options below.
STEP 2: Click on the number of artworks and proceed to make a payment. You can pay by PayPal or via credit card.
STEP 3: After successful payment, you'll be redirected to a page where you can upload your images and other details.
NOTE: If you have any issues with your image submissions, please email us at info@teravarna.com and we'll promptly get back to you.
Still not sure if you should participate?
Let us convince you otherwise
The evolution of art began the day when the first caveman painted the walls of a cave with tree sap and charcoal. Since then, we have admired different forms of art. The new era of art emerged when a prodigy painter created something fascinating out of his brushes, colors, and canvas. This is how figurative art originated. Before the emergence of abstract art, figurative art was depicted as the presentation of a real object as a subject from the eyes of an artist. The representation of a real object is what admired by the world of art aficionados.
TERAVARNA presents the best platform for figurative art competitions. We provide the ideal domain where you can present your artwork and get admired by the visitors digitally. Your talent will be recognized by the jurors, handpicked by the gallery authority assessing their experience in the selected field of art. All the entries will compete and the winners will be announced in this official portal.
We also conduct a figurative art exhibition on a regular cycle to give the budding and admiring artists the right window to display their artwork. The art admirers can easily log into our exhibition portal and witness the magic on the canvas or any art form submitted by the participants. It is our intention to provide the ultimate meeting point where admirers can find new art to praise and artists can find new admirers for inspiration. To bring out talents in the limelight, we also give rewards to the best entries in the figurative art competitions and provide inspiration to create new artwork.
Bring out your best figurative paintings and showcase your talent to the world of admirers. Get your work assessed by the top jurors of our time. Compete with other artists and get work critically analyzed. You will not only get a figurative art exhibition platform but also an innovative way to make yourself better!
Make sure you follow all the guidelines mentioned in our official portal and let your marvelous entries compete. Create art that fascinates the entire world and win admiration for your figurative paintings.