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10 Art Adventures for Kids: Inspiring the Mini Artists in the Making

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

― Pablo Picasso

art for kids hub youtube
Unleash the Artist in Every Child

It’s always great to cherish the throwback childhood memories of playing Van Gogh and Picasso on the brick-and-mortar walls. That way, every child tries to scribble and doodle their thoughts on their newly acquired ‘canvases’ (they can be anything for that matter), unleashing a whole new world of communications through these creative projects. Let’s not pull up or stifle their sincere efforts with our pool of suggestions and lectures, rather indulge them in more fun so that they can explore the fun-packed episodes of finger painting, spray painting, fruit and veggies painting (bet you have to say farewell to all of them), etc. with an exciting new world of splatters, smudges, and ‘oops moments.’ Let your kids rule the canvas; try not to cry over the mess! For all the parents, teachers, or the brave souls who’ve just handed some glitter or paints to your child, this blog is just right for you!

spray painting for kids ideas
Spraying is Fun!

Take a nosedive into the 10 fascinating and crazy art for kids projects that’ll keep these mini artists and masters busy while you watch them over with a harried and anxious look, always on the verge of losing sanity. Trust us, it’s going to be something AMAZING. With these 10 inspiring kids art adventures make your child think beyond the rulebooks, and come up with spurts of ideas, creating more EUREKA moments.

Let’s find some artsy plans for them –

1.    Finger Painting without Mess: Fancy Finger Tips to Save the Couch

Give the kiddos ample space to show their artsy skills if you wish to save the wall space or the couch from the stains of rainbows! Seal some paint inside a Ziploc bag and tape them on the workspace or a table where your kid would do all the squishing, swirling things and show their skills with handprints. You can admire their work without being too worried to scrub off the paints from other objects of the room; let their aprons take all the blows.

You can add some glitter inside the paint bags, to play with the extra sparkle. Embrace the glitterati vibes altogether.

finger painting for kids at home
Let them Master the Pre-School Art

2.   Nature-themed Craft and Collages: Give Your Kid a Chance to Get Wild

Make your kid explore the nearby park, backyard, or bushes, to collect art materials for their next craft venture – that is themed after nature. Let them collect leaves, twigs, branches, and whatever else they find fascinating to them and easy to take back home. Let them stick those things with glue on paper and watch their imaginations soar high. Just be watchful, they don’t stick worms or insects with the leaves and twigs!  

kids art and nature themed painting
Wilderness Art with Nature

3.   Create Stories on Stones: Make ‘Rock On’ Moments Live!

If your kid has a knack for stories, let them be the narrator and presenter with a twist to the tale. Explore stone painting and drawing for kids with a few pieces of stones (smooth-edged), some paint and brushes, and let your kids draw and paint characters, animals, and emojis on the stones of different shapes. These can serve as story prompts or can start a puppet show kind of a thing, quite impromptu. You can even imagine the funny dialogues crafted for the stony characters, like an evening with Sir Stoney and Miss Roll Over!

4.   DIY Arts with Stamps: Potato-Stamping for the Winners

Kids are mostly fond of the DIY arts and crafts, with easy-to-access materials and ingredients. Potatoes or lady’s fingers can do the magic; cut them in halves and carve out shapes like hearts, stars, funny faces, smileys, or blobs and let your kid stamp away with them. Most likely, they would forget the paper and would love to do the stamping thing on their hands and legs, like an instant body art for kids.

DIY art and craft for kids at home
DIY Art to Make a Glorious Mess

5.   Salt Dough Figurines: Turn Flour into Magic and Bake Artworks

How about giving them something fancier than play dough? Salt doughs are like playdough but more malleable and fancy. These are the mixtures of flour, salt, and water. Let them start sculpting, hand printing with these flour doughs to their hearts content. The most intriguing part is that you can bake these creations. You never know, they can be good keepsakes for your mini 'Michelangelo's. And, you are going to love and praise the creations, no matter how lumpy they look, like depressurized blobfishes.

art for kids with salt dough
Salt Dough Recipe for the Art-Hungry Kids

6.   Look Who’s Hiding There: Watercolor-Resist Secrets

Have you tried writing something in white ink or on a white sheet of paper? Create some magic moments with a little wizardry trick – help your kid make secret designs on paper in white crayons. Ask them to paint the white paper with watercolors afterwards. Wow! What you see is nothing but magic! The secret designs show up and your kid must revel in the spirit of a magician, revealing things out of nowhere.

7.    Be the Mini Puppeteer: Bring their Puppets on Stage

Puppets are something fascinating for kids and making them is no less fun. What they will need for the puppet making are socks, paper bags, sticks for crafts, color pens, glue, glitters, attachments, etc. Help them have their own puppet cast, and sit back, watching the drama unfold with finger puppets to paper bag puppets, with amusing dialogues.

youtube kids and puppet making
Art Ideas for the Puppet Nerds

8.   Best Out of Waste: Turn Trash to Treasure

Let the little heads turn discarded items into artistic marvels - turning cereal boxes, plastic bottles, egg cartons, etc. to make the most of recycled art. They can come up with robots, castles, kaleidoscopes, bird feeders, etc. or anything they can dream of. It’s an eco-friendly and pocket-friendly art idea enjoyed by kids. Watch out for engaging YouTube kids videos showing this upcycling of artworks, to make children aware of repurposing used items in an innovative way.  

art hub for kids turning trash to treasure
Turn Trash to Treasure and Embrace Art

9.   Glow-in-the-Dark Art for Kids: Make Spooky Arts

If your child is in for some creepy sort of adventure, make them use glow paints. With these fluorescent paints things will show up after sunset. They are ideal for galaxy scenes, sun, moon and stars, and a bunch of spooky ideas painted on their bedroom walls.  

glow in the dark drawing for kids
Let the Spooky Glow Take Charge

10.   Kids Meeting Picasso or Da Vinci: Master Arts Kid-Style

Initiate an artistic meet with the masters and inspire your kids to paint and create just like Monet, Picasso, or Da Vinci. Let them come up with a new Mona Lisa or have their own version of art in some quirky and funky ways. How about Monet lilies in pastels? Van Gogh with potato paints or a cauliflower paint? Create a whole new art hub for kids, so that they can have more childhood artistic moments to cherish.  

kids art and craft activities
Mona Lisa by Mini Masters

Celebrate the Unique Mess in Kids Art: Make Moments Priceless

You know that at the end of the day, what really matters is not perfection, but the encouragement, enthusiasm, and spirit to explore, express, and create something that is artistically messy. It’s always great fun for them to feel, live, and breathe art in every little thing they do, create, or mess around happily. Whatever they do, they do it with all their heart, to be matchless and unique as a creator. So, it’s time to grab some art supplies for them, identify a creative corner (keep old clothes handy) and let them come up with some priceless memories. Though their art looks messy, they know how to spell magic with glue and glitters!

Happy art-tricks for kids! 

Let them try one at a time!

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