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8 Common Mistakes An Emerging Artist Must Never Repeat!


“Creativity is more than just being different. Anybody can plan weird; that’s easy. What’s hard is to be as simple as Bach. Making the simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.” – Charles Mingus

emerging artist and common mistakes
Creativity in Progress | An Artist in Motion

As we all know, the journey of an artist is never a bed of roses! Hopefully, these days, artists are better connected and can learn from the mistakes and misadventures of the artists who’ve already tasted the fire and water in their tryst with art. No wonder, it is an exciting yet daunting journey as an emerging artist, full of creative exploration and personal growth. 

But, as with any career path, there are several missteps that can derail progress, if you are not aware of where you are heading to. No matter if you're working on your first painting, sculpture, or digital art piece - learning to avoid common mistakes is key to enduring success and making a strong foothold in the art fraternity, learning from those who’ve been down this road. Take care to note these 8 common mistakes that every emerging artist often tends to repeat!

1. Don’t Ignore the Rules (Knowing A to Z Helps)

An artist must begin from scratch, but most of the time they forget the importance of mastering the basics. The basics matter for sketching, understanding color theory, or practicing anatomy. A strong foundation is needed as you build more complex and sophisticated works walking down the lane.

We all know about Pablo Picasso - one of the most famous artists known for his abstract and surrealist works. He didn’t climb the ladder to fame overnight! Before he was widely known for his surreal and creative genius, he spent years perfecting his skills in realism. After mastering the realist sketches and observations, he was confident to work with the basics of form, perspective, and proportions, tweaking and exploring them to break free and create groundbreaking art!

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” – Pablo Picasso

If as an emerging artist, one skips the fundamental techniques or misses out on the basics, they might miss the core skills that could set them apart from others.

how to do an artist portfolio
There's No Shortcut to Success

2. Do not Follow Trends Blindly (Follow Your Heart)

The art world is in a continuous flux, and art trends, like any other field, vacillate. While it is quite possible and tempting for an aspiring artist to follow the latest trends to inspire their work at the moment, copying the trends can detract from sharing their authentic voices. The best artists are those who cultivate their own style rather than mimic what’s currently in vogue.

“The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think.” – Banksy

Most of us are aware of the street arts and graffiti created by talented artists like Banksy, who got famous with his politically-charged and thought-provoking works! Yes, he didn’t imitate the latest trends in art but pushed the limits of creative expressions by choosing the form of street art, to have his own style! It was his signature to weave a unique narrative that resonated with society, regardless of what was trending at the time.

That’s why, it is important for every emerging artist to come up with their own style and a unique perspective, irrespective of what others are painting or sculpting, following the art and aesthetics that appeal to them.

emerging artist and intuition art
Follow Your Heart

3. Work Consistently on Your Artist Portfolio

Building a strong and compelling artist portfolio is something every artist must pursue. A portfolio is nothing but an artistic resume to show to the world outside. Do invest some quality time preparing and organizing a portfolio showcasing all your brilliant works, with brief descriptions of the artistic process so that you can show them to potential clients or art galleries. If you have a cohesive body of work representing your artistic range, style, and growth, it will speak for itself.

artist portfolio and artists
Artist in Studio | An Artist's Impression

A revered artist like Van Gogh showcased the artistic pieces that he thought were more vibrant than the rest and would represent the essence of his style. Afterwards, he was known for his bold and expressive use of color palettes, which became his trait and signature even after his death. Thus, he had built a legacy for his art and expression! Artists must learn from his lead. 

Portfolios do not only showcase the volume of work; they are the chroniclers of the intriguing artistic journey that an artist takes on. They show the evolution of an artist through a period of creation. So, work on collating your artworks, be coherent and be vocal of your own style and artistic message.

“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent Van Gogh

art career advice guidance and counselling
Make Resounding Portfolios

4. Price Your Work Wisely (Strike A Fine Balance)

The process of creation is absorbing and quite exhausting, but do not stop there. Think of pricing your artworks in a sane manner, as the art of pricing is all about creating a delicate balance. Do not keep the prices too high for your current skill level, as that can steer your potential buyers away. Again, there are chances of under-pricing or devaluing your work of art, which is again a sheer waste of time and effort. Take these things into consideration: the market trend, your time invested on materials, etc.

“Art is an adventure. It’s a journey. It’s like climbing a mountain. It’s an open-ended process. You never know where you’re going to end up.” – Jeff Koons

Take your journey in easy and small steps, and do not rush things. Follow the story of Jeff Koons, one of the most highly paid contemporary artists. At the initial phase, he was paid much less for his art. With time as he honed his skill and his reputation started to soar, he started asking high auction prices for his art. So, better you should do some market research, or take art career advice from established and seasoned professionals and tag the prices accordingly.

artist portfolio and artistic skills
Pricing Art is an Art Itself

5. Never Ignore the Art Leads (Earn Revenue from Art)

“I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best.” – Frida Kahlo

Frieda Kahlo, someone so engrossed and immersed in art was also wary of the market trends and selling artworks. She was obsessed with her own portraits, and succeeded not just because of her artistic acumen, but also for her knowhow of the business world and navigating the world of art sales. Yes, this shows that art is a broad spectrum that includes managing finances, contracts, and collaborating with art dealers, buyers, etc. on top of aesthetics. Ignoring this aspect can ruin an emerging artist’s career growth. These days, aspiring artists, painters, sculptors, and digital artists must have a knowledge of art networking, pricing, social media exposure, etc. Take this as an art career advice to bloom & grow.

emerging artist opportunities
Work on the Prospect of Sales

6. Do Not Fear Art Criticism

“Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse

Every artist, be it a pro or a rising one, must face criticism as a part & parcel of this artistic journey. Emerging artists often lose heart in fear of art criticism, but negative feedback can be the stepping stones for further growth. It will help you refine your craft and influence others.

Henri Matisse, one of the leading names in modern art, was much criticized for his loud color palette and shapes that didn’t conform to rules. But he stood to his ground and refined his own style, eventually becoming one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. That shows how criticism paves the road to success, if you can only embrace it in a good spirit! Do not shy away from putting your work out there in front of others to have genuine feedback!

art career advice guidance and counselling
Don't Let Art Criticism Dampen Your Spirit!

7. Do Not Overdo! (Less can be More!)

At times, artists tend to overdo their art in the pursuits of perfection. Overworking can hamper the quality and you’ll end up in a creative mess! So, be careful and learn where to stop.

The great sculptor Michelangelo didn’t get lost in perfectionism but instead focused on bringing out the inherent beauty within his materials.

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved it until I set him free.” – Michelangelo

The rule of thumb is to follow your instincts and let the artworks have their own space to breathe!

art critique and analysis
Less Can be More!

8. Do Not Fear Accidents! (Risks will Pay More)

Necessity is the mother of invention and no art is possible without innovation or taking risks! Artists who prefer to stay within their limits and adhere to safe and overworked techniques cannot evolve. They fear working with new mediums, ideas, and techniques that can stagnate their artistic growth.

If you can become someone like Bob Ross inviting ‘happy accidents,’ or a revolutionary like Jackson Pollock, a famous abstract expressionist who pushed all the limits of conventional art techniques, you can sail through. Pollock’s drip techniques or Helen Frankenthaler’s Soak Stain techniques were all their willingness to come up with something innovative, inspiring generations of emerging artists.

“I am nature.” – Jackson Pollock

So, take risks and make this a part of your art nature, and you’ll be happy to bump into some unexpected masterpieces!

emerging artist and common mistakes
Let the Happy Accidents Happen!

Be Steady on Your Road to Success: Small Steps can Lead to Big Wonders!

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier

While you hit the road as an artist you’ll have to taste the sweat & dust too! Always try to steer clear of these common pitfalls summed up here in this blog, and you’ll be on the go. Be authentic, embrace challenges and happy accidents to be the real genius you are meant to be! Be the greatest art critique of your own work, and never skip out of art networking. Or else, you’ll be caught in the solo art bubble and will shut your art out of the world’s access. Be on a learning trail and remember, not all your works will be masterpieces rather the stepping stones to make one!

Try these recipes to make a great art platter!!

Wishing the best!


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Colby Adkins
Colby Adkins
Mar 03

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